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Delivery Information

Please see below our weekly and monthly Delivery Runs, detailing the days we will be delivering to each location. If you have any quiries about when we will be delivering to your area, please cal...

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Easter Bank Holiday Delivery Reminder!

Happy Easter! Both our office and warehouse will be closed on Friday 29th March and Monday 1st April for the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend! Due to this closure, there will be no deliveries made on thes...

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What is Extra Care?

Extra Care is dedicated to providing free support services to all our clients and care operators. Extra Care offers expertise in twelve critical costs areas; food supply with nutrition advice, nursing...

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Huntington's Disease Odds and Socks Day!

It's safe to say our Odds and Socks Day for Huntington's Disease was nothing but a success!   On Thursday 29th February, to celebrate Rare Disease Day, the team at Berwick got together fo...

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Interior Inspiration

Your very own Voyage Inspiration Page, filled with all things interiors if you're in need of some inspiration on how to decorate your space! Using your specially selected fabrics, we have put together...

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Our New Resident Checklist!

We know that last-minute admissions can place a lot of pressure on you and your team- and we want to ensure that we are by your side with whatever you may need! We've compiled a list of items that yo...

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National Apprenticeship Week!

This week is National Apprenticeship Week! National Apprenticeship Week is all about celebrating the many benefits, values, and opportunities apprenticeships have to offer; to both the individual and...

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Our 2024 Company Launch Day!

Our much-anticipated Company Launch Day last week was nothing but a success! The whole team at Berwick travelled down south to Norbury for a fun filled afternoon to get everyone excited for the year...

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And the winner is....

We're so excited to announce that Lea from Woodleigh Care Home is the winner of our Conti Super Soft Dry Wipe competition! All customers who purchased this item were entered into a draw, with a chance...

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Our Winter Hours 2023/2024!

Brrrr- it's getting a little chilly outside! With the holiday season nearly upon us, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the changes in our working hours for the holiday period. Pl...

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Feeling the urge to take flight like a superhero, cape fluttering behind you?

Are you ready to experience the thrill of soaring through the clouds? We are excited to offer you the chance to embrace the magic within, unleash your inner superhero and take to the skies. Whether...

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Thinking of a Festive Furniture Fix up?

Just a gentle reminder from us that you need to get cracking ! Its that time of year ... Christmas has crept up on us again. To guarantee delivery by the end of the year all furniture orders need to b...

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