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Buyers Guide for Profiling Beds

This useful guide, written for busy Care Home Managers will peel back the covers of the marketers’ brochure and explain in simple language what exactly you need to look for when selecting your nex...

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Berwick Made Time for a Cuppa

Funds were raised to help families living with dementia. Act-tea-visits from Berwick Care gathered for a ‘Time for a Cuppa Tea Party’ on Friday the 3rd March, and raised £60 to help fund more...

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Berwick Pack A Punch With Unwanted Stuff

Heart disease affects a daunting one in four women, which is why Berwick took no time in agreeing to participate in this year’s Bag-It-Beat-It, bag-a-thon. Supported by staff from across the comp...

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How to get Outstanding from your CQC inspection

CQC don’t know what they don’t know. Unless you tell them that is. You know why you are outstanding, so make sure you tell them. If you remember! When CQC land an unannounced visit, it usually...

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What are you doing to ensure the voice of service users is heard?

Get Outstanding from your CQC inspection. What are you doing to ensure the voice of service users is heard? The results from a simple questionnaire can produce remarkable insights and inspire grea...

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"If it isn't written down, it didn't happen"

Get Outstanding from your CQC inspection. ‘’If it isn’t written down, it didn’t happen’’ Providing evidence is essential when you document patient care. Record-keeping varies enormousl...

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